
When a customer follows your coffee shop on the BeanClub app they appear in your dashboard under the followers tab. From here you can see all your followers and how they are performing at your coffee shop. It's important to keep track of your customers in order to provide them even better offers and service.

By |2019-11-27T09:19:54+00:00September 13th, 2019||0 Comments

Customer overview

To get an overview of your customers, do the following. From your "Dashboard", tap on the menu in the upper left corner and then on "My Followers" Here you can see your customers' perfomance over the last 30 days or in total if you click on "Display"

By |2019-11-27T09:20:47+00:00September 13th, 2019|, |0 Comments

Editing My Shop

Additions or fixes to your cafe are made from the BeanClub Myshop app. Press the menu in the upper left corner and then "Settings" Touch the pencil in the upper right corner. Now you have the opportunity to change or add how your Café looks on the customer's app. Remember to hit save when done

By |2019-11-27T09:22:02+00:00September 13th, 2019|, |0 Comments
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